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Fun with Jell-O

OK, I have decided to stop baking entirely and now make treats constructed only from Jell-O. Of course I’m not serious (or am I?) but I had fun collecting the bizarre baked-bacon tidbits last week, so this week I am going for it again.

Look at all the pretty colors in the rainbow blocks. Pretty!

Rainbow Jell-O Blocks


And by combining it with sweetened condensed milk you can add opacity and make even more designs. Check out The Food Librarian’s many creations called broken glass jell-o. It actually reminds me more of glycerin soap than broken glass though. Is that better or worse?

Broken Glass Jell-O


Want even more art with your sugar? Liz Hickok is an artist recreating places and landmarks in Jell-o. Check out the photos and videos on her website. I am partial to the sculpture of the White House.


I could go on all day, but I will just leave you with this fun fact– Jell-O is the official state snack of Utah. Don’t you wish you lived in Utah today?

Posted in Musings and Inspiration.

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