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Busy Bee

Happy Birthday Deb!

My dear friend Deb, who often helps me to understand real flowers and assorted craft interests, had a birthday this weekend. The biggest problem with this cake is that I know TOO MUCH about what Deb likes, much of which I think is pretty cool too. This made editing down my ideas a challenge. So I made two cakes. This one is more traditional- chocolate cake, covered in fondant with gumpaste flowers. It paired with the book cake.

The outside was covered with white fondant and a wavy ribbon of red/brown chocolate. See how this cake is in the fridge? Big mistake! My A/C wasn’t working and I was nervous about the heat and humidity (both enemies of cake). But refridgeration is an even bigger bully. But anyway…


This cake was topped with gumpaste flowers- roses, anemones, sunflowers, and black-eyed susans. Plus, a little buzzing bee. (Deb and I share bee names: Busy Bee and Honey Bee, respectively.)


When it was finished and all of the flowers were on, it looked like this.

Cake and candles

Cake and candles

With a few candles, it got quite festive!

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!

Cake Details:Cake: Chocolate birthday cake
Filling: Red raspberry
Icing: Rolled fondant and modelling chocolate
Decorations:Gumpaste roses, anemones, sunflowers, and black-eyed susans. Modelling Chocolate “40″. Chocolate bumblebee.

Posted in Celebration Cakes.

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