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Royal Icing Flowers

Royal Icing Flowers

February 2008

I’m working on my royal icing flowers as a part of my Wilton 2 class. These babies really do dry into delicate-looking ROCKS. And I thought the stuff was just for the top of cookies…

See these sweet little blossoms? Daisies, pansies, roses, and daffodils– any one of them could take out a tooth. But they look pretty, silky smooth, and colorful. And for this purpose, that is all that matters. We won’t make the actual cake until next Monday, but the flowers take several days to dry so we work on them one at a time. So I’m collecting a little garden.

Next week in class these blooms will find a home on the “basket cake.” But some of the extra are going onto cupcakes.

Posted in Cupcakes, Musings and Inspiration.

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