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Game Night

Game Night Cake

February 2008

This cake was commissioned by my co-worker Laura, a fellow foodie who has been an accomplice to both CakeLove baked good and chocolate-making classes. So when the opportunity to make a cake for a game night party she was attending, I was ready to play!

What boardgames are more iconic than Scrabble and Monopoly? They became the features of the cake top, with a brief nod to poker and other card games.

The sides pay respect to my favorite games: Hungry Hungry Hippos, Battleship, and The Game of Life.

Cake Details:

  • Cake: Vanilla cake (the traditional yellow, whole egg kind)
  • Filling: Raspberry
  • Icing: Lemon vanilla buttercream
  • Details: Decorations are tinted buttercream and tinted fondant (scrabble tiles)

Posted in Celebration Cakes.

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