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SE Asia Treats: Singapore & KL

SE Asian Treats:
Singapore & KL

August 2007

I just returned from a wonderful vacation travelling through SE Asia. The dessert of choice in Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam is defintiely fruit. However, I managed to find a few treats along the way.


* Sweet Corn / Yam Ice Cream - I tried this treat at the botanical garden and I blame my judgement on jet lag. It was like mixed veggie gelato, not an experience I’d like to repeat. No, it would be unfair to say I didn’t enjoy the yam for the first several bites. But the corn, well, it was more like sucking on mashed up frozen corn… Not sure why I don’t have a picture. My camera batteries were on the fritz.

* Chinese Egg Custard Tarts - Delicious little tarts with warm custard in the middle that we enjoyed at a Cantonese dim sum resturaunt. Much better than American fortune cookies. (

* Cookie Cake Bars - Yes, this is what the man in Little India called them. And since he baked them- he wins the right to call them whatever he wants. The yellow one with the mysterious green seeds was delicious. The top was smooth and sweet and the cookie bottom was crunchy and light. Amazing. The pink one I only bought because it was A) Bright Pink and B) Sparkly Silver. It tasted like coconut though which I don’t care too much for.

* Moon Cakes- In many areas we saw chinese mooncakes since the Moon Festival is right around the corner in August.

* Singapore Sling- While not exclusively a dessert item, this sugary cocktail was certainly a treat. The original was concocted right here in the Raffles Hotel.


* Donut Factory- It is well worth a trip to the website to see the flavor list( that icludes orange cream, hazlenut, spicy cheese, wait… WHAT?! The lines stretch out for over an hour at some locations though there is an express line for lunch sandwhiches. Think about that ham and cheese with a little lettuce and mustard on a chocolate glazed donut. Here’s your first stop.

* Breakfast Muffins- The buffet at the KL Hilton is unbelievable. Frim dum sum, noodle soup, fresh fruit, assorted cheeses, and of course some tasty muffins and puff pasteries full of nuts, guava, or red bean paste. Dessert at breakfast? Yes please!

Posted in Musings and Inspiration, Travel.

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