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Ginger - Lemon - Coconut Cake

Ginger - Lemon - Coconut Cake (aka “The Rachel”)

August 2007

Rachel’s birthday was the perfect occasion for a new cake. Since we both love Ginger and Lemon they seemed like a logical starting line. I did a few recipe searches and saw a few tropical inspired blends, so I went with coconut as well to even out the bite of the ginger.

Here is the recipe:

1 box yellow cake mix

2 1/2 tsp ground ginger

3/4 tsp freshly ground ginger (if you don’t have it add more dry)

3 eggs (per package directions)

1/3 cup oil (per package directions)

1/2 cup coconut milk

3/4 cup ginger ale

[Coconut Milk and Ginger ale are substitutes for the 1 1/4 cup water in the directions. Do not add the water also or you will have soup.]

2 tbsp fresh lemon juice

Zest of the lemon

About 4 tbsp candied ginger


1- Preheat oven according to package directions and butter two round cake pans.
2- Mix all of the dry ingredients together (cake mix, fresh ginger, ground ginger)
3- Mix wet ingredients (eggs, oil, coconut milk, ginger ale, lemon juice)
4- Combine wet and dry ingredients and split batter into pans. Bake according to package directions.
5- Take about 3/4 of the crystallized ginger and chop finely. Mix with lemon zest in a small bowl. (Option: Add a handful of sweetened flaked coconut)
6- Level and ice the bottom half of the cake and sprinkle with 1/2 of the crystallized ginger/lemon zest mixture.
7- Add the top half of the cake and finish icing it. Sprinkle the top with the remaining crystallized ginger/lemon zest mixture and decorate the edge with the rest of the crystallized ginger pieces.
8- Enjoy!

Note: I like whipped cream frosting since it isn’t as sweet and doesn’t compete with the subtle coconut and lemon flavors. But you can use your favorite vanilla or lemon based icing.

How’s this for a birthday action shot? (Thanks La!) Thanks also to the staff at Bambule ( for an amazing dinner experience of Mediterranean tapas. Yummmm.

Posted in Celebration Cakes.

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  1. Rachel says

    Best birthday cake ever.

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