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SE Asian Treats: Vietnamese Pastries

SE Asian Treats:
Vietnamese Pastries
August 2007

The bulk of our trip took us through the northern half of Vietnam. These are still fruit-fanatics (for good reason), but the area was also heavily influenced by the french so the bread and pastries are wonderful.


* Ginger Creme Brulee- The Tamarind Cafe is a tea house / travel agency that became a sort of base camp for backpackers. They have vegetarian fusian plates as well as western style desserts like this ginger creme brulee using fresh grated ginger.

* Chocolate Wontons- Resturaunt Bobby Chin is not exactly a hangout for locals, but I am not complaining about anyplace I can get sake-steamed crab and filet mignon for $20. It is worth stopping by just to read the menu, which is witty and creative. We we so full that we ordered the “On a diet dessert” which is a big plate with a tiny (delicious) chocolate wonton. Dark chocolate dough wrapped around a truffle-like chocolate center. Decadent.


* Vietnamese Coffee- Coffee is a dessert in itself since sweetened condensed milk is added to the dark brew to thicken and sweeten it up. It arrives in a little percolator which fills the cup. Then you pour in the milk from the dish until it is “of good quality for you”.

* Many Pastries- Hoi An is home to the Cargo Club Resturaunt and Patisserie. This largely ex-pat hangout is a great place to end the day with a cup of coffee or ginger tea and a fresh cake or mouse. My favorites include the passionfruit and chocolate mousse cake and the pistachio mouse cake.

Here is the Patesserie and the pastry case:

Here is the pistachio mousse cake and the mango cheesecake (or maybe passionfruit mousse… not sure):

This one I am sure about. It’s the passionfruit mousse on top of the chocolate mousse:

For a change of pace I also enjoyed some mango sorbet. (I love the pretty green swirled wafer cookie too.):

Posted in Musings and Inspiration, Travel.

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