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NCACS Cake Room - Part 1

Here are some of my favorite cakes from the cake competition at NCACS 2011.

This cupcake set is based on the dresses of Audrey Hepburn. Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Sabrina, Funny Face. Do you see it now? The dresses are made from draped fondant with textured patterns and stencil work to create the look of lush fabric. Awesome job Marla!



As a child I loved Rapunzel and every morning my mom french braid my hair for school. It was never quite THIS long though.



And this cake, it is actually made of CAKE.  No Styrofoam here folks. That is requirement for any sculpted cake and there are photos on the bottom of its construction, just to prove it for the judges. Here is a close up of the cake layers and the super fine details at the base. See the tiny butterflies? That takes TLC.




A similar type of TLC is exhibited here where the artist piped tiny loops of royal icing. When they dry they are called lace work and create  a beautiful and light effect. The black squiggles on the blue background is also a very detailed task. It is called Cornelli Lace and adds a lot of grace and color, don’t you think? Piping with black icing takes a lot of extra skill too, because if you mess up it will stain the fondant and cannot be easily repaired. The creator of this cake has a very steady hand!



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