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National Capital Area Cake Show 2011

Wow- that was a wild ride! NCACS is always a crazy weekend of amazing cakes, great classes, fantastic people, and all kinds of sugar-laced adventures. Here are some of my favorite memories from the weekend.


#5- Brushing snow off of my car on Saturday morning (random!) and then walking around in a tee-shirt all afternoon.



#4- Seeing the faces of new visitors as they walk into the cake room for the first time and see the amazing works of sugar art sparkling all around them.



#3- Frosting 30+ dozen mini cupcakes in under an hour down in the green room. (Each cardboard box holds about 4 dozen)


#2- Meeting people in the new novice classes and helping them get a foot through the confectionary door.



#1- Cupcakes! The Cupcake Cocktail Hour was magnificent. I have never seen so many cupcakes in one place in my entire life. Glorious.



But more on that later…

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