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There is a very short list of people who could inspire me to use this particular shade of Carolina Blue during March Madness (Go Duke!!). But today I will make the concession in honor of my friend L, who is kicking cancer. My prayers, love, and sugar-coated hugs are with her today! 



Conveniently, March also happens to be National Kidney Month, so you can pin on an orange ribbon and read all about taking care of your kidneys here: 10 Things to Protect Your Kidneys and here: Kidney Month.

[For my readers who are also followers of Bakerella, I am sure that Angie would also appreciate your continued prayers as she awaits her kidney transplant...]

When those we love face difficult battles, it is easy to be crushed by it. However, I believe firmly that prayer is the most significant gift that we can give. Our God stands ready to comfort, and to restore joy.

Posted in Celebration Cakes, Cupcakes, Musings and Inspiration.

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