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Knots, Nats and a Fun Night Out

Tonight I participated in a DC-area networking event sponsored by The Knot which was a blast! At first I was skeptical as to why this powerhouse of a wedding website would have thier event at National’s Stadium during the off-season. What in the world do weddings and baseball stadiums have in common? As it turns out… a lot!


I took these on my cellphone, but I could not resist the chance to wander through the player’s locker room and take a few shots. Did you know that the Nats have an oval locker room to mirror the oval office? No kidding.  


If you get married on site you can have your guests’ names added to jerseys and hung around the room as favors. You can even treat your guests to private batting practice! I opted to make myself comfortable in Zimmerman’s locker and chat with all of the talented folks gathered in the room. (Yeah, a room full of photographers and I totally flubbed the photo op!)  This week I will sort through my stack of business cards and link up some cool and talented folks for you to see.


I am so excited that The Knot opened my eyes to an incredible space, right in my own backyard. They really are a wedding and event powerhouse. After meeting the staff I can see how they got there. What a great group of enthusiastic and fun professionals! Good times.

A special shout out to Suzanne for being my amazing wingman/PR agent and lending me her extensive knowledge about the Knot experience from the perspective of a semi-retired Knottie (look out Nest!).

Posted in Announcements, Celebration Cakes, Musings and Inspiration.

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2 Responses

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  1. Suzanne says

    my pleasure Queen Bee!

  2. melanie says

    I’m sure if we have a *third* wedding, the Hubs would want to get married in a baseball stadium. Just sayin’. I can’t imagine what the costs would be, but maybe we better keep it under wraps so he doesn’t get any big ideas. :-)

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