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This means war.

And by war, I mean an epic battle of cupcake supremacy called Cupcake Wars. This show began in fits and starts, but it looks like FN is letting the frosting fly and committing to a full season this summer.

Tuesdays - 9pm - Food Network

From the Food Network website:

It’s cupcake vs. cupcake in Food Network’s tastiest competition yet! Each week on Cupcake Wars, four of the country’s top cupcake bakers face off in three elimination challenges until only one decorator remains. The sweet prize: $10,000 and the opportunity to showcase their cupcakes at the winning gig. Whether a special Ace of Cakes anniversary celebration, a star-studded magazine party or an A-list celebrity golf tournament, these Cupcakes Wars really heat up. Candace Nelson (owner of Sprinkles Cupcakes) and Florian Bellanger (chef and co-owner of online macaroon company MadMac) serve as permanent judges with a third rotating judge each week, and Justin Willman hosts.

Similar to the print version of the Washington Post’s cupcake Wars from last season, cupcakes compete head to head in a single elimination battle. I like the idea of the show. I’m not sure about the “black box” nature of the secret ingredients but the themes are cool and it is basically a cupcake version of the TLC show: Ultimate Cake-Off, which I adore.

Definitely worth the DVR space. It’s tough to turn cupcakes into bad TV.

Posted in Musings and Inspiration.

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