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The birthday clause

One of the best things about having a birthday is that you can do pretty much anything you want and explain it away with a wave of the hand and a knowing look.

My preferred usage of the “birthday clause” is to eat cookies for breakfast. Technically, you can get away with this on Christmas too, but my mother was kind enough to space my personal calendar with each event happening in a separate season.

Cookie of choice for 2010? The Ice Cream and Cookie from Picky Palette. You can basically sub in any flavor of deliciousness you choose. So far I have subjected my friends, neighbors and coworkers to Cookie Dough and Chocolate Chip Mint Yogurt.  Today’s special? Ben & Jerry’s Whirled Peace: Caramel & Sweet Cream Ice Creams Swirled with Fudge Peace Signs & Toffee Cookie Pieces.  It was nearly edged out by B&J Banana Split in the freezer aisle, but something about the chocolate, caramel, and toffee seemed to shout “cookie”.


So check the freezer, hop on over to PP, and make up a batch. Cookies, they are not just for breakfast anymore.

Posted in Musings and Inspiration.

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