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Here’s Johnny!

We rocked the Suitcase Tour. The lines, the cupcakes, the jumping jacks, the party buses, well… Georgetown had no idea what hit it.

The crew from Johnny Cupcakes set up shop inside the Georgetown Cupcakes store on M Street. I was so happy when Erin agreed to hang out with me and experience the madness.  The line was around the block (actually nothing unusual for this cupcakery) so the Georgetown Cupcake staff brought free cupcakes to everyone standing in line. Win! 


We took a quick break to grab some non-sprinkle-covered provisions from Chipotle and waited out line #1 to score our swag. It took a few hours, but I got an awesome shirt, some stickers and good stuff fromthe suitcases of wonderment. Line #2 was for cupcakes. People walking by were a little perplexed by the crowd, but the GC staff moved them through with fun facts and cupcakes for all.

Here is a creepily red shot of some cupcakes in adorable pink boxes and the great JC merch box. One of the things I love about the brand is that all of the details are thought out. It’s a complete experience!


Next we headed for Line #3 to see Johnny!



Since we were packing down some cupcakes we took a quick break for some jumping jacks (video to follow) and garnered some police attention and a party bus of folks running some sort of political campaign. What? Nevermind.  Just another night in Georgetown. Though hopefully we are not accessories to the jumping-jack “crime” by hiding J from the cops.

As we worked our way tot he front of the line I had a thousand questions to ask. Will you reprint the great JC handbags? Is a book in the works to share your business philosophies? What was the cupcake canon like? But instead, it went something like this: “cupcake shirt sprinkles panda”. Oh yeah, it was smooth. I WANT to blame the sugar. Those sprinkles go right to my head! Luckily Erin kicked me and I partially regained consciousness at the end, in time ask the age old Boston vs. LA question. But all in all- good times!

Posted in Musings and Inspiration.

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