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Lucky Lady

If I say, “hey, there’s a bug on this cake!” you may not leap for joy. But how could you look into these eyes and think of anything but happiness and fun?!

Lucky Lady!

Lucky Lady


The base of this cake is a 10-inch petal of red velvet. It is iced in cream cheese icing that is tinted green. Fondant leaves drape over the top to provide a nice spot for Ms. Lucky to perch.


A 6-inch round (also red velvet) was covered with a dark chocolate fondant and then given some shiny red wings made with modelling chocolate. What’s a ladybug without her spots? So on they go. 


The wings got a light dusting of “pixie dust” for forest shine.

The head is sculpted from dark chocolate fondant (white fondant eyes) with a little wire to hold up the antenaes.


All dressed up with nowhere to go? She needs legs! A few purple and yellow flowers sprinkled around match flowers on the cupcakes. Leaves proclaim that this is Audrey’s special day! What a lucky lady.


Posted in Celebration Cakes.

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