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Pink Velvet

Why restrict yourselves to red when you can sink your teeth into this gorgeous silky PINK velvet cake? Even the batter looks decadent.


Yumm. These were part of a Easter/spring cupcake assortment. But these looked so yummy, I had to post them. Sping is such a wonderful time of bright colors and sunshine and sweetness. Especially here in DC where we are smitten with cherry blossoms.


I don’t understand why the combination of chocolate and vanilla and vinegar works so well, but it does! These just need cream cheese frosting and they are ready to go!

Posted in Musings and Inspiration.

2 Responses

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  1. Melanie says

    Yum. Pink, huh?

  2. Queen Bee says

    Yes, pink. I am also beta testing blue, purple and green. So far my testers have managed to eat them without any sign of discrimination!

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