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Hat trick

Taylor requested a magician for her 5th birthday. The trick her mom was most interested in seeing was one where the correct cake appeared at the party- on time. This family has been plagued by cakewrecks, so I was very relieved to drop it off in one piece before the guests arrived. Nevermind that the birthday girl lopped off a tiny corner with a power rangers sword soon after! It’s her birthday and HER cake!!

The square tiers were decorated with stars and card suites with little bit of red sparkle. The stars are made from fondant and wooden skewers (to match the candles) and were put in place by the talented birthday girl. My favorite part is the bunny peeking out of the magician’s hat which was made from modelling chocolate. 

Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat

Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat

Cake Details:
Cake: Chocolate birthday cake (10″ + 6″ squares)
Filling: Chocolate ganache
Icing: Vanilla buttercream
Decoration: Rolled fondant and modelling chocolate

Posted in Celebration Cakes.

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