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Verdant vines

The theme of this party was “Manic Organic” with a room full of overflowing bouquets and greenery. The cake picks up the floral theme and wraps in the birthday girl’s love of chocolate. Vanilla buttercream covers a chocolate ganache filled cake and is decorated with chocolate flowers. The 30 is made from modelling chocolate and echoed the tall skinny candles.

I love this photo because in the mirror you can almost see a 360 view of the cake and the bouquet next to it.


Cake Details:

Cake: Chocolate birthday cake (10″ + 6″ round)
Filling: Chocolate ganache
Icing: Vanilla buttercream
Decoration: Chocolate flowers

Posted in Celebration Cakes.

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  1. admin says

    Love that you made a gerber daisy - the flowers look incredible!

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