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ICES09 - Evening Two

Last night I had another hands on class. The focus was on gumpaste pansies and violets.

I was looking forward to it because the instructor, Nicholas Lodge, of ICSA (International School of Confectionary and Sugar Arts) has a fabulous reputation as both an artist and a teacher. So I finally took the plunge, and I did have a great time!

These kinds of classes start out with group instruction and a demo of each method and piece of equipment used.



Then we are each assigned to a kit of toys ( I mean tools!) and get to work.


After petal, stamens and leaves are added the flower really blooms.

Pansy blossom and bud

Pansy blossom and bud

Although it is the painting (with food safe dust colors) and a quick trip through a steam shower that really brings it to life.

Pansy and violet

Pansy and violet

Posted in Musings and Inspiration, Travel.

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