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ICES09 - Day Three

More great demos today. My favorite was Carrie Bigger’s presentation on chocolate wraps. How fun is this?

Modeling Chocolate Wrap with Inlay Design

Modeling Chocolate Wrap with Inlay Design

It becomes even more appealing when you can smell the chocolate fudge icing. Trust me. You can see her other creations at Carrie’s Cakes.

Today was also the official opening ceremony. No idea why it takes place on Friday of conference week, but I do know that it signals the opening of the cake room (display cakes brought by attendees) and the vendor area. Which pretty much means that I was not the only one to skip my afternoon class and go shopping.

There is lots to see and do at each booth though. In this photo, Alan from Global Sugar Art (one of my favorite shops) is showing Trevor and I how to use the new patchwork cutters with mexican paste (think cookie cutters and play dough).


There also MAY have been some accidental stalking of James Rosselle from Elle Cakes. (Really James, we were not following you!) And maybe some accidental purchases. I needed a 25 pound bucket of fondant, right?!

Posted in Musings and Inspiration, Travel.

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