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ICES09 - Day Two

Let them eat cake!

cake social

The afternoon “Cake Social” involved the actual eating of cake. Not just looking at it, poking at it, or contemplating its structural integrity or artistic possibility. Though there were many close by that were worth marvelling at.

I love these two by Kath Finholt who presented on support of unusual tiers. Can you see the ring of twigs holding up the gerbera cake? Crazy fun.


Just to switch it up I took a cookie class this afternoon. This is my wonderful instructor, Jo Ellen Simon who teaches Cookie Bouquets.



And here is my finished product. Not bad for a two hour tour. Admittedly the bride’s dress is a little risque, but hey, everybody makes choices.

Wedding Bears Cookie Boquet

Of course I am partial to the glittery bell. It has extra sparkle made from a mix of cake glitter (gelatin based I think) and silver luster dust. The vase is full of jelly beans which stabilize the cookie sticks (skewers really) and then are the “snack” part of the gift.

Posted in Cookies, Musings and Inspiration, Travel.

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  1. Melanie L. says

    So cute!

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