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Cake Pops

Cake Pops
May 2009

One of my favorite baking blogs is Bakerella. I love the creativity and that so many of the ideas are outside-the-box. One of her creations is the cake pop. The what? The cake pop. We are talking cake and frosting, smooshed together and covered in chocolate. Yes, chocolate!!!Basic instructions are here.

I had some cake and frosting around (shocking, huh?) so I decided to try my hand. I wasn’t quite patient enough with the chocolate to get a thin smooth coat or decorate it like a bunny. But they were really yummy anyway.

Here are the ingredients:

  • cake+frosting frozen into a ball
  • lollipop stick
  • melting chocolate
  • sprinkles

When you put it all together you get yumminess.

I am looking forward to upping the fun factor, but enjoying the end product for sure!

Cake Details:

Cake: Chocolate Birthday Cake mushed with vanilla-lime buttercream

Icing: Enrobed in red melting chocolate

Decoration: Rainbow sprinkles

Posted in Musings and Inspiration.

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One Response

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  1. Cheryl says

    One of the girls in my moms group made these as a test for one of our potlucks. So good! I bet yours would be even better.

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