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Disney Pretzel Pops

Pretzel Pops
April 2009

We love Disney! This year we descended on the Orlando area for school vacation week. We had a great time exploring the parks, flying with Dumbo and swashbuckling with the pirates. All that activity requires serious snacking.

These pretzel pops were going to be an activity for the kids, but when three women are up late in the kitchen with a pound bag of chocolate, well… chocolate for everyone! I also learned that this is a goodie you can make using only a mixing cup and a butter knife. You have to use what you’ve got– and our condo kitchenette was not set up for culinary adventures.

Aren’t those sprinkles adorable? I am convinced that googleing any set of three random words will generate a product you can buy from a website somewhere. These were a product of “disney sprinkes purple.” Sugar and pixie dust all wrapped up!

The craft store actually sells pretzel bags sized for the rods which made them easy to throw into a backpack for the days outing. Mmmmmm.

Posted in Chocolates.

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