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The Real Debate of ‘08: Frozen Yogurt

The Real Debate of ‘08: Frozen Yogurt
June 2008

What goes hand-in-hand with cake? Ice cream. And in DC we do love our frozen yogurt… Just ask the hill people. So I am adding a bit more fro-yo news here. Forget Obama and McCain, this is the battle that matters.

Domo Arigato Mr. Yogato
Opening: June 28, 2008

Another tangy yogurt spot is opening in the Dupont Circle area. Mr. Yogato is set to join the summer celebration this Saturday.

And Metrocurean is posting (Bring On The Fro-Yo Wars) that Pinkberry and Yogen Fruz aren’t far behind.

Tangysweet Opens In Dupont
Opening: June 6, 2008

Today (6/6) is the opening of Tangysweet and they are giving out free samples. I won’t pretend that I’m not going just to see the tables that change color, but you can go for the Pinkberry style fro-yo and fruit if you want. Check out the latest flavor import from LA.

Posted in Musings and Inspiration.

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  1. Mela says

    An article from the NY Times about the rise of Frozen Yogurt. The NY venues, not surprisingly, are showing much more creative flavor options and diverse ingredients. The article cites “spiced cantelope” and “white sesame.”

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