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Celtic Bridal Shower Cake

Celtic Bridal Shower Cake
May 2008

The theme for Mary and Ryan’s wedding is the symbol for the celtic trinity, a simple and elegant trefoil.

This cake was for a wedding shower at an office. I love making cakes like this because it represents a break from the daily routine to celebrate someone’s life and spend time in community. So I kicked it up by adding a layer of vanilla cake between the two chocolate ones. It was fun to assemble and hopefully retained its whimsy when cut.


Cake Details:

  • Cake: Two layers of chocolate cake, with a layer of vanilla in the center
  • Filling: Choclate bavarian cream
  • Icing: Vanilla buttercream
  • Decorations: Tinted vanilla buttercream and chocolate frosting

Posted in Celebration Cakes.

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One Response

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  1. Rachel says

    This was the most delicious cake I’ve ever had. People were lined up for seconds before the firsts were doled out.

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