Fruitcake gets a really bad wrap at the holidays, but for spice lovers it is a true gem. In December, we seem to lean into nostalgia with stockings by the fireplace, singing carols, and watching Charlie Brown and the gang struggle with that pageant. So this year, I reclaimed the fruitcake.
Recipe Inspiration: Martha!(Who else can get the classic holidays picture perfect?)
Golden Fruitcake - This recipe is for minis, but I made a few adjustments. I used two standard size loaf pans and filled each half-full. I think Martha was making minis to make the cooking time more reasonable, and splitting the loaf had a similar effect.
When the cakes were properly steamed and baked, I reassembled it into a single brick (term used lovingly) with a thin layer of the boiled jam (apricot + rum) that I made for the glaze. This added a touch of extra sweetness.
Sliced thinly with a cup of coffee… redemption is mine!
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