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2012 National Capital Area Cake Show



It’s time again! This weekend is the 2012 National Capital Area Cake Show.  Tons of gorgeous cakes, an epic bake sale, classes that will get the creative juices flowing, educational cake tours, and hundreds of fellow sugar fiends to hang out with.

What more could you want? How about a television-style live competition, and cupcake challenge with over 6,000 little cupcakes waiting to be tasted.

But wait… there is more. This year we are adding fresh microbrewed coffee, food trucks from Eat Sauca and the Bratwust King, and more free-to-view challenges on Sunday.

Excited yet?

Stop by and say hello!

Saturday & Sunday  March 24-25, 2012
Ernst Community Cultural Center
Northern Virginia Community College
8333 Little River Turnpike, Annandale, VA 22003

Saturday 10-5    &       Sunday 9-5


 For more information, check out these websites:

NCACS Main Site—

Cupcake Challenge—

See you there.




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