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Cupcake Camp 2011

It’s time for Cupcake Camp!

Saturday, September 24, 2011 from 12:00 PM to 3:00 pm

Local 16   (1602 U Street, NW)



Come on out to Local 16 next Saturday at *noon* for DC Cupcake Camp. You must pre-register to be an event taster and your $5 donation benefits the DC Candlelighters: Childhood Cancer foundation.

I’ll be there as a baker- see you there!

Event Details:

Read the FAQ.  CupcakeCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and eat cupcakes in an open environment. Every CupcakeCamp raises awareness about and funds for a charity of that city’s choosing.

Posted in Announcements, Musings and Inspiration.

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  1. CupcakeCampDC says

    thanks for spreading the word! <3

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