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Sugar and Spice

One of my favorite things about December is the smell of Christmas. The bright spruce scent of fresh Christmas trees, the incense and candles burning in the advent wreath at church, that crisp smell just before it snows when you have to run inside and light up a wood fire… can’t you smell it all right now?!

And of course, it wouldn’t be the holiday season without the fresh sugar and spice aromas of cookies, gingerbread, and other goodies wafting from the oven… Yummy!

Eggnog cupcakes with rum-spiked buttercream

Sugar and Spice


 These white-fudge dipped gingerbread men from Trader Joes are awesome. And even yummier paired with a vanilla-cinnamon cupcake and cream cheese frosting.

Gingerbread Man

Posted in Cupcakes.

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