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Hiking in the Candy Cane Forest

Candy Cane Swirls


“I passed through the seven layers of the candy cane forest, through the sea of twirly, swirly gumdrops, and then I walked through the Lincoln Tunnel” - Elf

 I love the movie Elf. I watch it almost constantly throughout the month of December to keep the Christmas Spirit at a fevered pitch. One of the best parts is the trek from the North Pole to New York City. I mean, Christmas in NYC is just EPIC and when I was a kid we went every year to see the Rockefeller Center tree and see the decorations lighting up the city. Since it is pretty much freezing there, we would stop at a coffee shop near Radio City to get steaming hot chocolate with a little mint and mountains of marshmallows. This cupcake is my tribute to that  cup of yumminess.

Chocolate cake with a hint of peppermint, filled with peppermint cream and topped with fluffy buttercream and tiny peppermint crunch candy cane-shaped sprinkles. 


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  1. Carrie says

    LOVE LOVE LOVE those mini candy canes!!!

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