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How Curious!

When I was little I loved the Curious George books. George was always getting into some kind of scrape that the Man with the Yellow Hat had to come and rescue him from.  There was adventure around every corner as we saw George’s curiosity in and around paint cans, balloons, rocket ships, and (my favorite read) missing puzzle pieces.

Charlie loves George too. His third birthday was at a monkey-themed play-place with tree houses, jungle gyms, and padded walls. An awesome spot for exploring and having fun.

Curious George Third Birthday Cake

The cake reflects the overall jungle theme of the party as well as featuring George, the yellow hat, and lots of bananas!

The banana theme carried over to the two huge cupcake trays (perfect for little hands to smoosh around!) full of chocolate cakes with banana cream filling. They are topped with tiny leaves and more fondant bananas.

Curious George Cupcakes

Posted in Celebration Cakes.

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  1. Melanie says

    I love the leaves and all the bananas! Did you also make the Curious George? Yummy!

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