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A boy and his ox

I learned a ton of new traditions and meanings while working on this 1st birthday cake for baby Andrew.

For families with Korean roots, the Dol (돌),  first birthday celebration, is a huge deal. We are talking family, friends, cake, balloons from a special balloon lady, special outfits, and everything.

I love this balloon sculpture of the boy and the ox. But I am getting ahead of my story.


It is traditional to picture the child with the animal which is symbolic for their birth year. In this case- the lucky ox. The baby is also made from gumpaste and is wearing a colorful hanbok, which is traditional Korean attire.

First birthday: Boy and Oxtt

 The cake is part of a stylized table brimming with sweets and treats like apples, candy, and cake. 

These adorable mini cupcakes are pumpkin spice and chocolate, both with cream cheese icing, and an “A” for the birthday boy.

Monogrammed Pumpkin Mini Cupcakes

My favorite part was when they sat Andrew in the center of a ring of shiny objects that represent the choices for his future. A ball for sports, a gavel for studying law and justice, a pen for academics and knowledge, a $100 bill for wealth, a string for long life,… etc.

I was honored to be included in the celebration, although I would have liked to have seen a spoon in the mix in case Andrew wants to grow up and be a baker!


Posted in Celebration Cakes.

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