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Falling for it

I love fall. The colors as the leave turn, the sound of their crunch underfoot, the flavors of pumpkin and cinnamon, the crisp chill in the air… breathtaking!

 So when I was invited to participate in a gallery for an artists “think in”  I didn’t have to look farther than the kitchen window for inspiration.

Fall leaves and Pumpkins

 I wanted this cake to evoke leaves rustling in the wind, the block prints of a warm quilt, and the oft-neglected fall tradition of wearing a pumpkin on your head. 


(Seriously, don’t knock it until you have tried it.)

As I was saying…

I attended a gallery at Ebenezer’s Coffeehouse on Capitol Hill and was lucky to spend a few hours with some amazing photographers, dancers, singers, writers, and other creative artists. One of the speakers at the “think-in” addressed the problem of creating– you have to sieze the inspiration, lean into your creative side, own who you are, and just do it. How many times do we experience resistance to a beautiful new idea because we are distracted by life, exhausted by the day-to-day, or unmotivated/doubtful of ourselves?  And we totally fall for it.

 To know who you are AND to create something that reflects who you are created to be is a gift. That may be at an art, in a relationship, at a job, or any other place you are inspired to express yourself.

So put a pumpkin on your head and go do something crazy. Take a picture, bake some cookies, frame some colorful fall leaves, and create a beautiful moment.

“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.” - Aristotle

Posted in Celebration Cakes, Musings and Inspiration.

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