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More demos

Yes, in my last post I promised both dragons and muppets. So here goes.

Who wants a dragon cake? I am dying to make one of these cuties. Creative genius here? Sugar artist Kelly Lance used grape leaf and flower cutters to make the shape of the little guy’s wings and scales. No special equipment needed. Cool.


While he is holding tight to that candy, he was relieved of most of by the end of the week. Contrary to popular belief by my friends, a cake convention does not involve hours of sitting around eatting cake. I don’t think I even saw any for eatting on site…. so candy is still a hot commodity in the conference center.

I adore satire, so Lauren Kitchen’s demo on characterization was a ton of fun. She poked fun at a few of the other decorators (who you may recognize from thier gold-medal Food Network challenges (see the medals on the cakes?).  There was even puppet trivia with prizes. Score.


In fact, it was so well received that THIS happened.


I will call it the “cake-eratzzi”. The room rushed forward for photos in a display of enthusiasm I haven’t witnessed before. LOL!

Part of the fun is drawing inspiration from one another, seeing different methods of construction, and being inspired to try something new and different.

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