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NCACS 2010- Cake Room (Part 2)

Here are a few more cakes from the cake room.

Where possible, edible materials are used to tell the story and accent the cake. This mother goose, whose feathers are carved and applied one-by-one rests in a bog of whole wheat spaghetti and oatmeal.


Mother Goose Cake

This ode to cinema features popcorn that was made from marshmallows. Realistic touches, like half-eaten button candy made it almost impoossible to stay away from. But there is NO snacking on display cakes.


Movie Theater Cake

 These guys should be in movies. How amazing is this sculpture?


This japanese lantern has hand-painted screens and edible rocks and bamboo.


Japanese Lantern Cake



Aside from the divisional cakes, there is a wedding cake group who is given the profile of a fictitious couple. Yet even with the same input of colors, flowers, and the interests of the bride and groom, the cakes varied widely in style, tone, and story. 

I loved the tropical focus of this cake. How did they stabilize that branch?!


This cake has butterflies too, but these guys have grabbed the green swag and are making a run for it. So fun!


This is another one of my favorites.

The lacey bits around the arches are patterns of thinly piped royal icing which are dried and placed on the cake.




I hope you enjoyed this little stroll. Perhaps tomorrow we will look at some professional cakes.

Posted in Musings and Inspiration.

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