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A Wild Party

Jackie celebrated her 6th birthday at the zoo, so she needed a cake that was a little wild.

Happy Birthday Jackie

Happy Birthday Jackie

A collection of zoo animals, cut from fondant march  around the cake. Chocolate fondant flowers add a youthful, touch.

I love this zebra. His stripes are painted on with cocoa brown food coloring. When I googled for pictures of zebras I saw that thier coloring even extends up into the hair of their mane. Crazy!



The giraffe is made of gumpaste, which dries into a stiffer material than the fondant used for the other animals. This allows him to hold his head up above the cake.


When fondant is stretched after it dries out on the surface it crackles in a process known as elephant skin. It is frustrating when you are covering a cake, but wonderful when you are making elephants.


This hippo looks really happy to be hanging out with his friends.



Mr. Lion has a mane of painted chocolate. Cute and yummy.



Cake Details
Cake: Chocolate birthday cake
Filling: Chocolate ganache filling
Decoration: Purple buttercream with fondant animals and flowers. The giraffe is gumpaste so that his head stood above the cake.

Yes Suzanne, these were Cricut animals. ;-)

Posted in Celebration Cakes.

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  1. strugalicious says

    hee hee hee…i was just scanning the blog and while this is like two months old…the first thought was oh i wonder if she used the cricut for these. LOL…these are AMAZING.

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