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Matcha Macarons

My appreciation for many types of tea leaves has grown through my friendships with Melanie and Laura who are tea (and cupcake!) aficionados. Although I enjoy a good cup of Earl Grey, my favorite flavor profile is strong matcha green tea. In honor of these lovely ladies’ birthdays this week I made some green tea macarons (aka french macaroons).

I am in awe of the macaron. The chemistry and physics of starting with egg whites, fluffed just right, and mingled with sugar to form the perfect meringue. Into this goes almond meal, ground finely, which introduces oils to the party– danger! When mixed perfectly you get a crispy, light, tender cookie. If the scales tip… disaster in the form of a chewy cracked mess. And you won’t even know for an hour after mixing is complete. Sweet agony! So why bother? If you have ever had a perfect macaron, you know that they are bliss. Light, airy, crunchy, creamy. Yum.

The base of this recipe is from Tartlette’s blog– Matcha And Peach Pate de Fruit Macarons. Her macaron combinations are mouthwatering. I adjusted the recipe a bit and switched up the filling. Half of the batch got chocolate Bavarian cream filling and half got cream cheese frosting. My cookies were being served along side of a cake that was filled with (3 guesses!) chocolate Bavarian cream and iced with cream cheese frosting. So the flavors all tied together.

Here is how it went down in my kitchen.

Step 1: mix the batter (recipe from link above)
Step 2: pipe circles and let set 30-50 minutes (yes, really)
Step 3: pray like crazy, possibly laying hands on the oven if you roll like that (do not skip this step)
Step 4: bake

Hot from the oven

Hot from the oven

Step 5: remove from sheet and cool
Step 6: fill with creamy deliciousness

Fill 'er up

Fill 'er up

Step 7: plate*

Green tea macarons and chocolate bavarian cream tarts

Green tea macarons and chocolate bavarian cream tarts

Step 8: enjoy!

* the leftover chocolate went into puff pastry shells

Posted in Cookies.

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4 Responses

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  1. Melanie says

    Just catching up, but WOW, those tea macarons look INCREDIBLE. My mouth is watering! Anything with tea (and sugar!) makes me happy. Were they as delicious as they look?

  2. Queen Bee says

    I thought they were yummy, but matcha and chocolate is a very specific flavor combination… you either love it or you don’t!

  3. Melanie says

    What would you recommend drinking with it? Tea? Milk?

  4. Queen Bee says

    Champagne! It’s a party right? LOL. Ok, milk. I guess black tea would be yummy. Not more green tea though, that would be overpowering.

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