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ICES09 - Day Four

A Sweet Time

A Sweet Time

Chocolate. This convention has been all about chocolate. Chocolate collars, chocolate flowers, modelling chocolate, and on and on. I will dutifully learn about, sample, paint and roll the delicious stuff. This is a trend I am glad to jump on.

One of my favorite decorators who does a lot of chocolate modelling is Mike McCarey from Mike’s Amazing Cakes.

How cute is this little guy? Those waves are set out from the cake as a collar of chocolate.

Splashing Dragon

Splashing Dragon

Here is a close up of good ol’ Puff. He is made entirely of chocolate.

Splish'n and splash'n

Splish'n and splash'n

And if chocolate isn’t your thing, there is plenty of other forms of sugar. These guys will look familiar to any fan of CakeWrecks.

Naked Mohawk Carrot Jockeys

Naked Mohawk Carrot Jockeys

Posted in Musings and Inspiration, Travel.

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