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Red Martini Cake

Red Martini Cake
June 2009

This cake was for a happy hour party, so it needed to be hip enough to stand on its own in a swanky bar AND be worthy of the chic birthday girl.

The triple layer chocolate cake is filled with red raspberry filling and covered in vanilla buttercream with a touch of lime. On top of the buttercream is a crazy drizzle of red chocolate. Not only does the chocolate create a great design, but when it hardens it actually creates a “chocolate cage” to support the weight of the real martini glass.

To give the cake a sophisticated feminine touch I added red flowers cut from red modelling chocolate. The same flowers were applied to the inner rim of the glass so that you would get the chocolate when you drink rolls over it. Yumm.

Two contrasting birthday candles on each side of the glass and the party was ready to roll.

Happy Birthday Amy!
Cake Details:
Cake: Chocolate birthday cake (stacked 8″ squares)
Filling: Red raspberry filling and vanilla buttercream
Icing: Vanilla buttercream with a touch of lime
Decoration: Melted chocolate “cage” and flowers made from modelling chocolate

Posted in Celebration Cakes.

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One Response

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  1. Marie Stewart says

    Hi Melissa, This cake looks sooo yummy! I hope it was a big hit. All the best and I can't wait to see the next creation.

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