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Ramblings about Excel Spreadsheets and Cake

Ramblings about Excel Spreadsheets and Cake
March 2009

I’ve been slacking on my web posts again because my “real” job is getting underfoot this month. Perhaps I will achieve life integration by making cakes about spreadsheets… except that I have been told that “normal” people do not have the love for Excel and data tables that I do. I know my cakes for NCACS were taking on some spreadsheet-based planning before I ran out of time and ditched “planning”. This series of events actually explains a lot about my life. Ha!

Cakewrecks posted a guy who submitted his letter of resignation on a sheet cake. Weird and extreme. Plus I have no plans to resign. But I think my coworkers might enjoy a weekly report or PowerPoint presentation on a cookie though. (Somewhere in my office Sharon is reading this and laughing.)

OK, back to cake.

I need to get in gear for cake show, but I will post more cakes soon.

Posted in Musings and Inspiration.

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  1. Nancy Agnew says

    Who doesn’t love Excel spreadsheets?

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