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Superbowl Football Brownies

Football Brownies
January 2009

Are you ready for some football? These footballs are easy to make and perfect for game day.
What do you need?

  • Family sized box of brownie mix
  • Eggs, oil and water as directed on the brownie mix
  • About 10 oz. chocolate or chocolate melting disks
  • Small batch of royal icing or cookie icing

1. Start with a pan of your favorite brownies, but use a slightly larger pan (a 9 x 13 instead of an 8×8) so that they will not be as thick. I used a “family sized” box of brownies and it fit perfectly in my 9×13 Pyrex dish.

2. When they have cooled, use a football shaped cookie cutter to make the shapes.

3. Melt about 10 oz. of chocolate or chocolate disks in the microwave (heat on medium at 30 second intervals- about 2 1/2 minutes total)

4. Dip the top half of the brownie into the melted chocolate (or go all out and use forks to dunk the whole thing!) and place on a cooling rack to set.

5. The laces can be piped on with royal icing. In the baking aisle of the supermarket they also sell little tubes of cookie icing which hardens (it will say something like “dries to be stackable”) and you could use that in white or team colors to finish them off.

Remember that these don’t have to be perfectly smooth or have tightly woven laces. These are likely being paired with nachos! It’s TV food. So keep it casual, or delegate it to the kids.


Posted in Musings and Inspiration.

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