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Mojito Cupcakes

Mojito Cupcakes
May 2008

Congratulations to the NCL Fellows Class of 2008! To celebrate our last Wednesday night together we had a fiesta and I wanted to make something a little different to mark the occasion. Since we are big fans of the mojito, I modified last summer’s margarita cake into a mojito cupcake. They were yummy and would be perfect at a hot summer BBQ.


White Cake mix (not yellow or butter recipe, just white or french-vanilla white)
1 can margarita mix (thawed)
1/8 cup dark rum OR a splash of rum extract
Peppermint extract
Zest of one lime (optional, but recommended)
Fresh mint leaves
Vanilla frosting (whipped cream frosting is best)


Start with boxed white cake mix. Add the eggs and oil as instructed, but instead of water mix the rum/rum extract with the melted can of margarita mix to make up the liquid amount indicated on the box. Top off the liquid with a splash of mint extract and the zest of one lime.

Bake as directed and top with a dollop and whipped cream frosting and a fresh mint leaf.

Cake Details:

  • Cupcakes: Mojito
  • Icing: Whipped vanilla frosting (yes, really, it was off the shelf)
  • Decorations: Mint leaves

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