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Diva Cake

Diva Cake

May 2008

I’m back from my hiatus and happy to be baking in my new kitchen in Washington, DC. Somehow I managed to move from the ‘burbs back into the city and gain both counter AND cabinet space. Yahooo!

The theme of this bridal shower was “Divas” and fits our advocate-morning-loving-mostly-naked-wild-and-wonderful darling Darla perfectly. So the cake fits with the crown theme that each diva attendee wore as a name tag. It is also color matched to the coral and orange rose bouquets that will be the wedding colors.

A toast to all the divas!

Cake Details

  • Cake: Triple layer of lemon vanilla
  • Filling: Chocolate Bavarian cream
  • Icing: Tinted vanilla buttercream
  • Decorations: Tinted buttercream, gold luster dust, royal icing daisy on the crown

(photo credit: Kayla and Dawn)

Posted in Celebration Cakes.

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