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Christmas Key Lime Pie

Christmas Key Lime Pie
December 2007

There are two important after-dinner desserts in our family. The first is Jesus’ birthday cake, shared after church. We are under the distinct impression that the baby Jesus prefers carrot cake, so that is our choice too. The second is a Christmas day key lime pie.

Luke is grandma’s kitchen helper and an expert lime-squeezer, while Ben prefers to construct a sturdy graham cracker crust.

Once it is complete, each of the boys gets to decorate half with whipped cream. Ben takes a more artistic approach, creating little tree-like formations around the edge.

Luke aims more for volume and perfection. Together, it makes for a well-balanced and delicious pie.

But the most fun is enjoying it together!

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!!!!

2007 Pie Recipe:

1/2 cup key lime juice (about 10 limes)

4 eggs

1 can sweetened condensed milk

grahm cracker crust

whipped cream

Mix all four egg yolks but only three of the egg whites. Add the lime juice and let it sit about five minutes (the citrus “cooks” the eggs a bit). Stir in the sweetened condensed milk and pour the custard into the grahm cracker curst. Technically you can chill it at this point, but I usually stick it in a 350 degree oven for about 10-15 minutes just to cook the eggs through.

Chill for about four hours in the fridge. Serve with whipped cream.

Posted in Musings and Inspiration.

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