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No Reservations

Anthony Bourdain Comes to Town

November 2007

This has nothing what-so-ever to do with baking, but I am huge addict of the show No Reservations on the Travel Channel. Anthony Bourdain’s commentary on travel and food is so vivid and honest that I feel like I am standing right there experiencing the city he is in (for better or worse!).

Last week I snuck out of work to attend a book signing and here him recount some of his adventures. I think that his books and shows speak to me because he has that straight talking NYC attitude combined with intense cultural curiosity and a deep respect for people living their lives and enjoying whatever lies ahead for the day.

Photo: Laura, Erin and I had a nice chat with Tony about the wonders of eating Durian in Asia, as well as enjoying the many delicacies offered at the Jersey Shore.

Posted in Musings and Inspiration.

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