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350 degrees.

The construction is complete, the walls are back in place (as walls should be) and the cabinets are restocked with flour, sugar, butter, and assorted raw materials for fall projects. I am a happy girl!

It was strange to have a summer without the added heat of the oven. I snuck in one wedding dessert table while I was renting a room with a shared kitchen. (I do not recommend this!) It’s amazing how foreign another kitchen can feel. Ovens, sinks, counter tops, bowls… its all the same. Yet somehow there is an element of “home” that transcends the tools and space and they become something more. A nexus of creativity, a space where everything is in its place and the mind is free to wander and construct.

Long story short… 157 days. I am so happy to click the oven back to “bake”.


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