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Cake Show Info for 2013

Lemon Cupcakes

The National Capital Area Cake Show & Cupcake Challenge is around the corner and everyone is invited!

April 6th & 7th
Fairfax High School (3501 Rebel Run, Fairfax, VA)
Cake show: $12 / Cupcake Challenge $15 –> or get both on LivingSocial for $16

What is a cake show again?

* Live television-style challenges with nationally recognized sugar artists
* Displays of wedding and specialty cakes
* Cake tours (explanations for “how did they do that?”)
* Free demos on cake decorating
* Youth activities and hands-on classes (beginner to advanced, priced separately)
And of course…
* Bake sale

More info here:

What about cupcakes?

Saturday night at 6:00 we are celebrating Candy with cupcake challenge entries in the categories of chocolate, chewy non-chocolate (caramels, fruit candies, etc.), and hard candy flavors. A portion of the proceeds benefit our charity: Icing Smiles Inc.
Cupcake Challenge info is here:

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