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Under the Tree

It’s funny how some traditional holiday foods are more popular in theory than in practice. For example: fruitcake, eggnog, and anything labelled “salad” that actually contains jell-o.

However, Christmas is a season of redemption! I hold out hope against hope!

Enter Becky Rink’s cookbook: Top Shelf Baker: Sweet Treats from a Well-Stocked Bar and we get an amazing take on egg nog that flies off of the holiday buffet. The cake is spiked with Christmas nog, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and bourbon. (I threw in a splash of Red Stag cherry Whiskey for good measure.) To up the awesome, Becky prescribes a filling made of egg nog pudding and a shot of bourbon glaze on top. Yes, consider egg nog redeemed!

Next year… we’ll tackle jello-o salad.

Christmas tree

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