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Frogs, Butterflies, and a Great Rainy Day

Hey, I saw Planet Earth on the Discovery Channel enough times to know that there are some adorable little critters out there in the rain forest. The green-eyed tree frog is one that has to be caught from the right angle to keep the bumpy-slimy-neon factor in the right balance. However, to a certain 4-year old birthday boy– this is the way to a perfect cake. Yup, I said cake. Look at the frog again. Doesn’t he look a little bit like he rolled through some melted chocolate? This can work. 


 In the skies above the pond are the blue morpho butterflies. They were #2 on the the cake-animals list. These guys are stunning.


The luminosity and the shades of cobalt are incredible. Love! These are worth a wander through google images. The reflection of light and deep colors are breath-taking.

When the frog and butterfly wandered across the birthday cake, we came up with this happy little rainforest scene.


I was tempted to throw in a skateboarding tree fairy (Fern Gully? Anyone?) but kept it more botanic. (This time.) The frogs are molded chocolate in greens and brown. The butterflies are gumpaste with a coat of shiny luster dust.

Posted in Celebration Cakes.

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  1. Melanie says

    LOVE the butterflies. I just love all insects in general. The frog rocks too. I’m in awe at how you made them. I’d love to be a fly on the wall in your kitchen while you’re making these creations.

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