Thanks to all of you who came out to support Cupcake Camp DC 2010! Nicole, who organized this year’s event did an amazing job recruiting bakers, enthusiastic judges and volunteers, a great venue and a fantastic crowd of tasters with their eye on the prize: to eat DC’s best cupcakes!
The event gathered at Funxion (downtown near metro center = sweet!). This brave soul was one of the volunteers who descended fromthe judges platform, announced the next tasty morsel, and delved into the swarm of willing participants. Tray after tray of deliciousness.
Chocolate ganache, strawberry, margarita, bourbon, s’mores, ginger cream, peaches and cream, pineapple, funfetti, and an array of other flavors.
You can see from the gallery below that there were aficionados of all ages. My contribution was for a slightly older crowd (sorry, baby Joy!) who enjoy a glass of red wine with their cupcakes. A swirl of goat cheese frosting, some toasted pine nuts, and a bit of modelling chocolate for flair. Viola! A toast to DC Happy Hour Culture and what I hope will be the first of many Cupcake Camp DC events!
I wanted to try your goat cheese frosting so bad! I’ve been meaning to try it myself but haven’t gotten around to it yet! I missed these as they came down the stairs and I was positioned right there!
Thanks Renee! The trick is finding the right wine because that really changes the flavor. CCC was so fun and it was great to meet so many fantastic bakers and fellow sugar-addicts.
Awesome! I Love your happy hour cupcakes! Was the judging of the event by participants or by judges?
There was a panel of judges. I’ve never seen so many cupcakes in one place. Crazy fun.